Pre/Post pregnancy fitness
Reach your fitness goal thanks to EMS Tehnology
Getting into shape after pregnancy is usually a difficult goal. EMS is one of the fastest ways to regain your pre-pregnancy shape in a safe and very effective way. The Fitin25 team will guide you through a special program to target the areas which are most effected by the pregnancy. EMS training takes it easy on your joints and trains your whole body safely, without the need for heavy weights or extensive running which is ideal for women to restart an exercise regime.
Pelvic floor strength is a common concern after pregnancy and EMS training has a proven record of improving your control of the bladder and combats associated problems, such as urinary incontinence. Studies carried out by Bayreuth University showed that full-body EMS led to a substantial improvement of incontinence problems in over 75% of the participants.
The main benefit appeared to be an indirect strengthening of the pelvic floor muscles through the stimulation of the adductors, as well as the nerves that supply the pelvic floor muscles, which run past the areas with the electrodes for the abdomen and buttocks. Over 90% of the group who trained intensively showed significant improvements in their symptoms.
Statistics for reducing symptoms of urinary incontinence in 49 participants, over six weeks (two sessions per week):
- 75.8 % SUI reduction
- 33.3 % completely UI-free
- 50 % reported significant
Source: Vatter 2010; Schäffer 2002